Let me introduce you to Debra Rufini, somebody I had the pleasure of meeting recently, when she came to my Aunts house in Portsmouth, for a few glasses of wine on a warm Friday evening. Debra is a local girl, a lady who has achieved much in her life. Currently she is presenting 'The Debra Rufini Show,' for Artist First Radio Network. She is also a published writer and poet; inspirational and talented, Debra is an accomplished artist in her own right!
I already knew, Debra and I had much in common from talking with my Aunt, not least our connection to 'toxic people,' having both been victims ourselves. Debra also has many similar interests, including Ufology and religion, a subject I have always wrestled with, looking for answers at difficult periods in my life. Together with my Aunt, we spent four hours talking about issues close to our hearts, getting to know one another and in my case, sowing the seeds of friendship. Debra is a wealth of information, wonderful listener and a person I am delighted to introduce to Roaming Brit. I would like to begin by publishing a short biography of her, so readers can understand who this remarkable lady is, what makes her tick and a little about her radio show, life and interests. I hope you will enjoy her contribution and like me become captivated by the generous nature of her personality, wisdom and words of advice; welcome Debra! About Debra!
I have included a couple of youtube video's containing recordings from her radio show, including one of special interest to my readers, an interview with Christie Parker, on the subject of 'toxic people.' Please take a look and of course, as ever let Debra and I know what you think, using the comment box below.
I look forward to hearing from Debra again soon, writing about subjects close to her heart. Roaming Brit has become a unique popular website for many who like me, have lived through the spectre of bullying and finally removed themselves from the 'toxic people' in their lives. This blog is a personal account of my life living in Spain and the UK, those who contribute towards its content, like Debra have made this site the success it is today and I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of those involved. Once again my sincere thanks to Ms Rufini, I look forward to your next entry on Roaming Brit!
I look forward to hearing from Debra again soon, writing about subjects close to her heart. Roaming Brit has become a unique popular website for many who like me, have lived through the spectre of bullying and finally removed themselves from the 'toxic people' in their lives. This blog is a personal account of my life living in Spain and the UK, those who contribute towards its content, like Debra have made this site the success it is today and I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of those involved. Once again my sincere thanks to Ms Rufini, I look forward to your next entry on Roaming Brit!
Debra is a former Samaritan and Kate Bush look-a-like! Raised in a loving Christian home with a Minister Father, she is passionate about people seeking evidence for themselves for a God of love, especially when those who claim to love and live by Him have unapologetically failed and been harmed along the way.
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